Hi and welcome to the Dragons Lair! Here you will find treasure but be warned not all is as it seems, for this treasure is not the treasure of body but THE TREASURE OF THE MIND!! Oh and beware the dragons!

Lore of the Lloyd Dragons!

If you seek to read the Book of Lore You must first know of the DRAGONS. To start this story there is the mighty dragon who is the head of this mighty family of dragons, he is the mighty Silver Dragon who is the father and with his wife the Pink Dragon who is mighty of heart has let loose the new dragons. Next comes the lovely Emerald Dragon, after her comes her mighty brother the Fire Opal Dragon. Last, but not least, is the forgetful Blue Dragon whose scales are as blue as a clear sky. First thing you should know about the Silver Dragon is that he is loyal and fiercely protective of his children. He is a master of computers making games and loves to play with his children as well. He also loves his wife and knows her well, he knows she loves trees and thus is intent on making sure she never goes without a Christmas tree! The Pink Dragon also loves her children and will protect them against whatever threatens them “unless it is in a game then likely she will be the one getting protected” she also likes drawing and coloring. She also likes reading, and doing stuff outside of their home.  The lovely Emerald Dragon is like her mother loving to read, write, and color things, she also likes to do things that require moving around and loves working with beads. She also likes to play with her family on the computer and is loyal and sweet, but be warned she does have her claws, oh and fire! The mighty Fire Opal Dragon loves the outside, and loves reading and working with beads. He loves the earth and getting down in it always digging holes to play in. He also loves his animals and is raising pigs as food.  The Blue dragon might be strangest of all for he hates chores of any type and just about all of his school work. He is also MEGA forgetful sometimes forgetting things in just one minute! He loves annoying his mother, sister, and brother by making all kinds of sounds. He also loves making people laugh and smile, whether they want to or not. He loves digging holes like his brother, AND HE REALLY LOVES COMPUTERS to play on, if you take his computer be warned of his FURY!! Because only his parents get away with that! He spends more time playing on his computer then maybe all the other people in the house combined! He also loves reading and every now and then writing. He also loves his cat, so leave that cat alone unless it asks to be petted! BEWARE, theses Dragons LOVE THE WILD so be carful when you venture into the wilds of this world for you might just meet a DRAGON! Oh and don’t ask how they get service out there, they are dragons after all.

A welcome

Here in our den all are welcome who are willing to brave the fire, those that come you may just be the new dragon friend. If you are a dragon friend then we will talk to you and we can learn from each other gathering new treasure for the mind. But those that do not seek our treasure to expand the mind but to mock it, be warned you will be ignored and thrown out.
